

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Gideon's Gift

At the very beginning of the battle, my friend Matt wrote that "when a tragedy strikes, we have two options: fear or faith." While my emotions have run the entire spectrum, and while fear is a little more potent at times than I would choose, bitterness has never stepped in and held my heart captive. I know the dangers of Gideon's cancer. I am not blind to potential heartache and added difficulties in the future, but there is nothing more comforting than the knowledge that none of us on earth are in charge of that. God has got this one, just like He has it all. And when I get stuck in the dark, He reveals His glory, love and compassion through YOU.

YOU are treasured in our lives. YOU, the reader and prayer and muser, have added more beauty to our Gideon's life and ours than we ever could have on our own. We have been bombarded with the joy in humanity more than we have been plagued by the ugliness of cancer. Cancer in a child will never make sense or be fair. Now that it's here and our reality, it is one of my deepest prayer that something beautiful can come out of this darkness. It already has, as you see in this promo from News Channel 3, as seen above. It already has, as you can see in this video:

If you feel led to donate blood in Gideon's honor, WE would feel privileged to receive a paper fishy from you. I never want there to come a day when a mommy is told, "We don't have a blood/marrow match to save your child at this time." Instead, I forever want that mommy to be able to sit next to her child and stare at that bag of a stranger's blood coursing life to her baby, all while sending out a monsoon of love and well-wishes upon the head of this nameless hero. I have been there many times, the mommy and the recipient of human selflessness. I could try to find the words to better encapsulate my gratitude, but there is not a form of human language or word strong enough to depict it.

If you would like to re-read Gideon's response to the "GOOD FISHIES" from blood donors, find the fish templates you can use to decorate and send to Gideon, and get all other information, please click here. There will be a PUBLIC Blood Drive in Gideon's honor at Hope Reformed Church on March 17. Here is the information:

If you are unable to donate at this drive, but still want to donate, please go to this Michigan Blood site to make an appointment that works for you. If you don't live in Michigan and want to donate, please go to this site to make your appointment. Every pint of blood donated in Gideon's name will be CELEBRATED in this house, I promise. AGAIN: THANK YOU!


  1. Just wanted to share that my nephew was diagnosed with ALL at the age of 4 in 1985. He is now 29 years old. Last year he graduated from Palmer School of Chiropractic, got married and opened his practice in Illinois with his wife. He had a 5 year protocol of treatment and there were some scary times but he has been healthy (he ran in the Chicago and Boston Marathons!)and continues to do well and give back to so many who helped him. Keep fighting the shark, Gideon.

  2. I just wanted to share that I have read your blog from the very beginning. What an amazing story! You have given me hope that my newly diagnosed girl will get through this. Your words, happy moments and fears have all helped me more than you could ever imagine. Thank youfor this blog!

  3. Came here from WWMT site. There are so many beautiful and sometimes raw posts on this blog. There is no doubt that if this doesn't turn into a book, you should write one. What a SOUL of love you have. It's obvious to me, a stranger. Best to you and your family. I need to keep reading now. I'm halfway through your September posts.

  4. Just wanted to say that my prayers are with you and I WILL for sure be at Hope reformed Church March 17th to donate blood. My fiance HATES needles and has never donated blood because of his fear, but with this one I told him that he had no choice and I will drag him to donate blood if I have to :) and I will bring a special paper fish to add to Gideon's collection.

    God Bless
